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Posted on: 18th Nov  2021

Plug the hole to stop leaking cash

Plug the hole to stop leaking cash

As innocuous as they seem - defects in the surface of your yard, such as cracks and pot holes could well be costing you £££. Wether you’re an industrial facility such as a factory, warehouse or distribution centre, surface damage caused by heavy use and the UK climate could lead to significant damage to your materials handling equipment.

Unlike cars of-course, forklifts don’t have elaborate suspension systems so driving one over even a small pot hole risks causing damage to its tyres, axle and many other parts, which will eventually result in downtime and repair costs. If this isn’t bad enough, untreated potholes are a common cause of dust and debris, which, if allowed to enter the workings of any machinery, is known to cause considerable damage.

Furthermore, pot holes always present health and safety issues, not only for the person on foot, but also having the ability to tip forklifts over – particularly when a raised load is being carried. (Of course, no forklift operator should travel with the load raised but drivers have been known to disregard this HSE legislation).

Let Us Handle It.


For any outdoor areas where forklifts are in use, pot holes and cracks should be repaired as quickly as possible. As ever, we’re here to help you reduce costs and reduce downtime. If you have any defects in the surface of your yard, talk to our support team today, we have a process for taking care of the potential headaches that pot holes can cause that is quick and very cost-effective.

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  • WR Material Handling ltd.
    Alexander House
    Estate Road 8
    Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire
    DN31 2TG, UK

  • 24/7: 0800 689 9223

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  • Registered in England Company Number 04618528