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Services and Support

Services and Support form WRMH

We have compiled a comprehensive array of services and support packages to aid businesses of varying sizes in a broad spectrum of industries. From tailored servicing and maintenance packages to cutting-edge technologies built to take the strain away from managers by simplifying fleet management, document management, training schedules, ordering and more. We've put extensive time and effort into packaging our service and support options in order to make them easier to understand and easy to implement.

Please choose from one of the options listed on the left to find out more.

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Contact Details

  • WR Material Handling ltd.
    Alexander House
    Estate Road 8
    Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire
    DN31 2TG, UK

  • 24/7: 0800 689 9223

  • Email us

  • Registered in England Company Number 04618528